Case Studies

City of Canterbury Bankstown Employment Land Strategy

HillPDA was commissioned by Canterbury Bankstown Council to develop an employment lands strategy based on a robust evidence base. The study…

Planning Due Diligence Highest and Best Use Advisory

HillPDA was commissioned by Property NSW on various occasions to provide planning due diligence reports and highest and best use analysis…

Regional Portfolio Housing Strategy

The Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) sought comprehensive portfolio strategies for 9 Regional FACS Districts across NSW. The housing portfolio analysis…

Warragamba Dam Wall Raising Business Impact Survey Report

HillPDA was commissioned to undertake a business impact survey and subsequent report outlining businesses perceptions of a proposal to raise the…

West Schofields Demographic & Social Infrastructure

HillPDA were commissioned to undertake a demographic and social infrastructure assessment to identify existing and emerging community needs for the future…

Georges River Inclusive Housing Strategy

HillPDA was commissioned by Georges River Council to prepare an inclusive housing strategy and delivery program. The study sought to respond…

Business and Industrial Zone Review

The report was commissioned to inform and support the evidence base for the preparation of the State Retail Planning Policy Framework,…

City of Sydney Housing Diversity Study

The Study sought to understand the value of housing diversity to a global city and how cities that compete with Sydney…

For more Information or to discuss your next project, get in touch.