Georges River

Inclusive Housing Strategy

HillPDA was commissioned by Georges River Council to prepare an inclusive housing strategy and delivery program.

The study sought to respond to the housing needs of the Georges River community. Council had been seeking to increase affordable housing delivery in the LGA with a resolution to develop an Affordable Rental Housing Policy and to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with St George Community Housing.

As part of the study, HillPDA delivered:

  • Analysis of the current housing needs of the Georges River community
  • Projected population growth and housing demand
  • Principles to guide the location of new housing in the LGA
  • Options available to Council to influence housing delivery
  • A delivery plan to guide Council’s work program and encourage housing delivery that meets the community’s needs.


Following a detailed analysis of housing capacity and demand within Georges River, which also included analysis of several groups with specific housing needs, HillPDA was able to tailor a series of options for Council’s consideration that would allow it to meet its housing targets, while also addressing issues around housing affordability and access.

The final recommendations are to be included within Council’s LSPS and incorporated into the comprehensive Georges River LEP.


  • Land use planning
  • Policy analysis
  • Demographics
  • Housing demand and supply forecasting
  • Strategic planning
  • Affordable housing modelling
  • Options analysis

Client: Georges River Council
Project date: January 2019 – April 2020


For more information, contact Elizabeth Griffin, Principal

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