HillPDA Racing wins first Regatta under the new name

Congratulations to the ‘HillPDA Racing’ team who won the Farr 40 component of the Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship on the weekend. This was the first Regatta under the new name ‘HillPDA Racing, formerly ‘EstateMaster Sailing’. “The boat looks great” stated Martin “with 3 first places and 2 second places in 5…

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Goulburn Mulwaree Employment Land Strategy wins 2017 Local Government Award

HillPDA at the 2017 Local Government NSW Planning Awards Congratulations to Goulburn Mulwaree Council on winning the 2017 Local Government NSW Planning award for Culture Change Innovation and Excellence – Rural and Regional Councils for the Goulburn Mulwaree Employment Land Strategy. HillPDA is proud to have worked alongside Council…

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Working together for a better NSW.

HillPDA Director and EstateMaster CEO, Martin Hill presented the William Kirkby-Jones Oration 2016 at the UDIA Annual Presidents Lunch on Wednesday 7th September. Martin was more than honoured to present the William Kirby-Jones Oration who was a great friend and mentor to both Martin and daughter Sarah Hill (CEO, Greater…

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Successful centres: protecting Sydney’s long-term productivity

Urban centres lie at the heart of many local communities, but recent debate on city growth has tended to focus exclusively on increasing residential densities rather than ways to strengthen urban centres. In focussing on accelerating one urban activity – residential development – it is possible that we…

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New homes fail to dampen prices

“Sydney property prices have skyrocketed at the same time as near-record amounts of new homes have come on to the market, contradicting Treasurer Joe Hockey’s suggestion that the answer to housing affordability is more supply.” Sarah Hill, Director HillPDA and advisor to the NSW Minister for Planning and a member…

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HillPDA Women in the Industry 2015 Kick-Off Event

Sarah Hill talks to the Panel including Dr Alison Taylor, Diana Griffiths and Alison McLaren Last night, HillPDA held a drinks and canapés evening for Women in the Industry. This was our 2015 kick-off event celebrating Women in Property and their achievements. Whilst we designed the event…

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