
The suburb of Granville within the City of Parramatta Local Government Area (LGA) is expected to experience significant change in the future as part of the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy (2016). This change, combined with the identified issue of housing affordability in the LGA, led the City of…

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NSW Land and Housing Corporation

NSW Land and Housing Corporation engaged HillPDA to prepare a bespoke feasibility model that could be used for the assessment of the Communities Plus program sites and other potential redevelopment sites within LAHC portfolio. The project aim was to deliver a dynamic feasibility model so that LAHC can accurately assess…

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Regional Portfolio

The Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) sought comprehensive portfolio strategies for 9 Regional FACS Districts across NSW. The housing portfolio analysis and detailed action plans assisted LAHC to identify the economic imperatives and strategic opportunities to improve the overall location, quality and value of the LAHC regional housing portfolio. The…

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Waterloo Estate

UrbanGrowth NSW and LAHC engaged HIllPDA to undertake financial feasibility services for the Waterloo Estate and its surrounds. The objective of this work is to rigorously test the financial viability of the design options and test staging impacts. The outcome is to prove a preferred design and development scheme that…

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