Wollondilly Shire

Employment Land Study

Amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act) required local councils to update their Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) and prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). The LSPS were to provide a 20-year vision; guiding land use planning and development within their respective LGA. They would also identify the unique character, identity and values of the place and strategies for managing growth and change in the future.

To assist in the LEP review process and preparation of the LSPS, Council identified the need to undertake several specialised background strategies and studies. An Employment Lands Strategy (the Strategy) was one of these specialised background strategies.

HillPDA was commissioned by Wollondilly Shire Council to undertake a review of employment lands within the Shire. The review included an analysis of growth influencers, current supply, and capacity, and then the projection of the future floorspace/land requirements to accommodate additional growth and capitalise on Wollondilly’s strategic location.

Specific key elements of the study included:

  • Review of Wollondilly’s local and strategic context
  • Review of State and local planning policies and strategies
  • Socio-demographic review
  • Market trends
  • Land use audit and precinct profiles
  • Employment land demand assessment across LGA and individual precincts
  • Constraints analysis on existing and future land stocks
  • Identification of future land stocks
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Strategy development.

Project outcome

The final strategy provided a clear, concise and visual series of directions for all employment lands within Wollondilly Shire. This included recommendations around ensuring sufficient availability of appropriately zoned land, identification of future land stocks, constraints analysis on remaining vacant and future land stocks, a range of strategies to attract investment and boost job growth in the Shire and planning framework recommendations.


  • Policy review and alignment
  • Strategic context
  • Market trends
  • Socio-demographic review
  • Land use audit
  • Employment land profile
  • Employment land demand
  • Constraints analysis
  • Identification of future land stocks
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Strategy development

Client: Wollondilly Shire Council
Project year:  2020


For more information, contact Nicholas Hill, Principal

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