WestConnex | M4-M5 Link

Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

HillPDA was engaged by Roads and Maritime Services to undertake a socioeconomic and business impact assessment for the M4-M5 Link project. The report assessed the socio-economic and business impacts of the proposed construction and operation of WestConnex M4-M5 Link, which would comprise a new multi-lane road link between the M4 East at Haberfield and the New M5 Motorway at St Peters.

The report was prepared as a technical working paper to the environmental impact statement (EIS) and was undertaken in accordance with the Roads and Maritime Environmental Impact Assessment Practice Note – socio-economic assessment (EIA-N05) and to address the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for the project. HillPDA acted as Technical Advisors, working across all phases of the project including undertaking project coordination, design critique, community consultation and significance evaluation. HillPDA coordinated business and stakeholder consultation and ensured the assessment of impacts were independent and rigorous.


The socio-economic and business impact assessment identified and assessed the potential positive and negative social, economic and business impacts that may arise due to the construction and operation of the project. Overall, the assessment identified that the project would result in a range of positive and negative social and economic impacts on residents, businesses and social infrastructure both during construction and operation. The assessment found that the construction of the project was likely to stimulate broader economic benefits by way of job generation and construction multipliers. On operation; the project would enhance the network capacity and connectivity between the inner city, inner west, south, south-western and western Sydney. The project would particularly support freight and commercial vehicle movements between the major economic regions of Sydney. The benefits and impacts would vary in their distribution across the study area during the construction and operational stages of the project. Environmental management measures were identified to avoid, reduce, mitigate or manage adverse impacts associated with the project.


  • Community and business consultation
  • Social, business & economic assessment
  • Social infrastructure audit
  • Economic modelling
  • Mitigation measures

Client: Sydney Motorway Corporation
Project date: 2016 to 2017


For more information, contact Elle Clouston, Associate

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