Martin Hill and the Lisa Rose Team – 2018 Etchells World Champions

Recently our director, Martin Hill and the Lisa Rose crew took out the 2018 Etchells World Championship in Brisbane. “It was both a thrill and relief to cross the finish line in the final race to win the 2018 Etchells World Championship. Nothing can prepare you for such a competitive…

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HillPDA Racing wins first Regatta under the new name

Congratulations to the ‘HillPDA Racing’ team who won the Farr 40 component of the Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship on the weekend. This was the first Regatta under the new name ‘HillPDA Racing, formerly ‘EstateMaster Sailing’. “The boat looks great” stated Martin “with 3 first places and 2 second places in 5…

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Martin Hill ready for 2017 Etchells World Championship

Martin Hill and his crew are on their way to the 2017 Etchells World Championship, kicking off in San Francisco from 22nd September. Best placed of the Australians, Martin will be sailing his new Etchells ‘Lisa Rose’ (named for his wife) which was bought earlier this year in May and…

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Congratulations Joshua Smith – winner of the 2017 UTS Martin Hill Property Development Feasibility Prize

The UTS Martin Hill Property Development Feasibility Prize is sponsored by HillPDA with the aim of the award to encourage academic excellence in the Master of Property Development with an emphasis on development feasibility analysis. The award is given to the student who obtains a mark that is within the…

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Altus Group acquires EstateMaster

Today, Martin Hill, Director and CEO of EstateMaster Group was pleased to announce the acquisition of EstateMaster by the Altus Group. Martin thanks his HillPDA and Estatemaster employees in an emotional statement: “It is with a mix of emotions that I resign as Director and CEO of EstateMaster. As founder, I have enjoyed…

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HillPDA are proud to be sponsoring the 2016/17 Farr 40 Australian series

Estate Master Pittwater One Design Trophy Winner, Photo credit: Crosbie Lorimer The next race is the Farr 40 Newcastle One Design Trophy which will be held this weekend  (21/22 January 2017) and hosted by the Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club with racing offshore. Martin Hill and his…

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Working together for a better NSW.

HillPDA Director and EstateMaster CEO, Martin Hill presented the William Kirkby-Jones Oration 2016 at the UDIA Annual Presidents Lunch on Wednesday 7th September. Martin was more than honoured to present the William Kirby-Jones Oration who was a great friend and mentor to both Martin and daughter Sarah Hill (CEO, Greater…

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Martin Hill speaks at the UTS Design & Architecture Graduation Ceremony

Martin Hill, Director of HillPDA and CEO of Estate Master Property Software was honoured to be the key speaker at this years University of Technology Sydney’s Design & Architecture Graduation Ceremony. Speech Transcript Welcome Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Faculty Dean, Academic Board, our distinguished guests, family and friends and of course,…

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