Altus Group acquires EstateMaster

Today, Martin Hill, Director and CEO of EstateMaster Group was pleased to announce the acquisition of EstateMaster by the Altus Group. Martin thanks his HillPDA and Estatemaster employees in an emotional statement: “It is with a mix of emotions that I resign as Director and CEO of EstateMaster. As founder, I have enjoyed…

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Working together for a better NSW.

HillPDA Director and EstateMaster CEO, Martin Hill presented the William Kirkby-Jones Oration 2016 at the UDIA Annual Presidents Lunch on Wednesday 7th September. Martin was more than honoured to present the William Kirby-Jones Oration who was a great friend and mentor to both Martin and daughter Sarah Hill (CEO, Greater…

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Martin Hill speaks at the UTS Design & Architecture Graduation Ceremony

Martin Hill, Director of HillPDA and CEO of Estate Master Property Software was honoured to be the key speaker at this years University of Technology Sydney’s Design & Architecture Graduation Ceremony. Speech Transcript Welcome Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Faculty Dean, Academic Board, our distinguished guests, family and friends and of course,…

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