Funding affordable rental housing – what are the options?

Funding Mechanisms – A Federal, State and Local Government responsibility. Across Federal, State and Local Government, affordable housing has become a priority on the policy agenda. Effective mechanisms for funding affordable housing are still being investigated; however, it is becoming increasingly evident that the answer to affordable housing funding…

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Successful centres: protecting Sydney’s long-term productivity

Urban centres lie at the heart of many local communities, but recent debate on city growth has tended to focus exclusively on increasing residential densities rather than ways to strengthen urban centres. In focussing on accelerating one urban activity – residential development – it is possible that we…

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Elle Clouston joins HillPDA’s Social & Economic Planning team

HillPDA welcomes Elle Clouston as Senior Consultant to our Social and Economic Planning team. Sarah Hill is delighted to continue to build the planning team with such a high calibre of person to support the range of major policy, urban renewal and strategic projects we have recently been engaged to…

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