Funding affordable rental housing – what are the options?

Funding Mechanisms – A Federal, State and Local Government responsibility. Across Federal, State and Local Government, affordable housing has become a priority on the policy agenda. Effective mechanisms for funding affordable housing are still being investigated; however, it is becoming increasingly evident that the answer to affordable housing funding…

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New homes fail to dampen prices

“Sydney property prices have skyrocketed at the same time as near-record amounts of new homes have come on to the market, contradicting Treasurer Joe Hockey’s suggestion that the answer to housing affordability is more supply.” Sarah Hill, Director HillPDA and advisor to the NSW Minister for Planning and a member…

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HillPDA sponsors at UDIA National Congress

HillPDA were delighted to be apart of the Urban Development Institute of Australia’s (UDIA) National Congress last month. Affordable Housing and Housing Diversity are passions of HillPDA and we were proud to sponsor the National Award for Affordable Development. Congratulations to the Winners Peet and…

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