Long Term Accommodation Strategy

Strategic Assessment

Inner West Council was established in May 2016 amalgamating the former local councils of Leichhardt, Marrickville and Ashfield. For Council to affirm its identity as the Inner West Council, it appointed HillPDA to assist in the identification of a new administration centre that reaffirms the council presence and new business operations. This project was conducted in three phases. Key phases included a market and valuation assessment of the land portfolio available to redevelop a new administration centre. The second phase assessed each parcel of land based on the floor space and car parking demand, both in non-financial criteria and financial criteria (cost/ revenues from divestment). This culminated into phase three, whereby each option was stress tested against business criteria with a recommendation made to Chambers. Phase four involved conducting a traffic and parking assessment at a shortlisted site.

Our value add

HillPDA considered the factors which influence the economics of property development in each of the Town Centres. Site location assessment (including planning opportunities), market research and subsequent feasibility modelling was undertaken in relation to required floor space demand to ensure a holistic and commercially realistic outcome.


The Study assisted the Inner West Council in identifying a suitable site for the council staff to relocate to. The ultimate outcome was to increase productivity and efficiency for the business as usual practices.


  • Valuation
  • Market research
  • Qualitative site assessments
  • Hypothetical redevelopment
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Feasibility modelling
  • Action plan

Client: Inner West Council
Project date: 2017 to 2018


For more information, contact Virginia Phillips, Associate

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