Go Jindabyne

Economic Assessment

HillPDA was commissioned by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to undertake an Economic Development Study that would inform the “Go Jindabyne 2036 Master Plan”, with specific focus on the Jindabyne economy and the relationship between Jindabyne and the wider Snowy Mountains Region, including the surrounding villages of Adaminaby, Berridale and Dalgety.

Further, the Study prepared by HillPDA in collaboration with SMA Tourism assessed the forecast development capacity of Jindabyne based on scenarios of year-round tourism and retail markets and infrastructure investments that would promote economic growth for Jindabyne and the region.

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The study gained a detailed understanding of the local, state, national and international economic role and function of Jindabyne, benchmarked and evaluated against international trends and submarkets enabling us to determine the town’s ability to respond to macroeconomic, industry and tourism opportunities.


The report included several strategies for change in Jindabyne particularly in relation to developing the town as an all year round destination for tourism.


  • Market appraisal
  • Tourism and accommodation forecasting
  • Stakeholder consultation

Client: NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment
Project date: April – July 2019


For more information, contact Adrian Hack, Principal

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