Georges River LGA

Commercial Centres Strategy

The need to prepare a harmonised strategic vision and planning framework to guide and stimulate appropriate development within Georges River LGA was the catalyst for the development of a commercial centre’s strategy (the strategy).

This need to provide a consolidated and holistic planning framework for the LGA was further emphasised in September 2018, when Georges River Council was announced as a voluntary council to prepare a Georges River LEP and to align with priorities outlined in the Greater Sydney Commission’s South District Plan within a two-year timeframe.

To contribute to the development of a Georges River LEP, HillPDA was commissioned by Georges River Council (Council) to undertake a review of commercial centres within Georges River Local Government Area (LGA). This review included an analysis of recent market trends and drivers, identifying capacity and supply blockages, and projects future land requirements to accommodate additional growth.


HillPDA provided Council with a comprehensive strategy which identified the current status and future direction of of Georges River’s commercial centres.

Specifically, the strategy undertook a review of State and local policies to identified key actions and directions specific to Georges Rivers 48 commercial centres. A detailed review of its centres local context was also provided to identify key strengths, weakness and competitors which would influence the future growth and viability of the LGAs centres.

A review of historic socio-economic trends was undertaken to further identify key trends which could influence the demand for or provide opportunities for additional space and growth across the centres. Various metrics were benchmarked against the surrounding LGAs (Bayside, Canterbury Bankstown and Sutherland Shire) to further identify any industry specialisation or opportunities for Georges River.

A detailed profile of each centre was provided which included their floorspace provision, employment and economic contribution. Having a clear understanding as to their current retail provision, key anchors and surround centre network commercial and retail demand modelling was undertaken which identified the future growth in each centre across various land use types.

Having a clear understanding as to each of the 48 centres current and future land use mixture a retail hierarchy was developed with each centres status in this hierarchy being identified. Lastly, the capacity of each centre to accommodate is specific future demand was provided with amend controls being identified if they could not.

The South District Plan identified employment targets for Kogarah and Hurstville Strategic Centres the ability of these strategic centres to accommodate this employment, if fully realised was also provided.


  • Policy review
  • Local context and key LGA drivers/competitors
  • Current economic environment
  • Market trends
  • Land use and floorspace analysis
  • Centre profiling
  • Commercial demand modelling
  • Retail demand modelling
  • Commercial centre hierarchy identification
  • Capacity assessment.

Client: Georges River Council
Project date: December 2018 – September 2019


For more information, contact Nicholas Hill, Associate

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