Meet the Team
Nicholas Hill
Nicholas is an acting managing principal in HillPDA’s property economics team, leading major projects for local and State Governments. Nicholas focuses on the synergy between planning & economics, with the link between these being important for successful and positive development outcomes. This has led him to be involved in many studies and policies at HillPDA, including employment lands, economic development, impact and needs assessments, retail economics, centre revitalisation and housing studies.
Nicholas provides expertise and skills in feasibility modelling, asset management, economic analysis, employment land demand modelling, retail economics and forecasting, population, dwelling and employment forecasting, and socio-demographic analysis/forecasting.
Nicholas is also the lead GIS Officer at HillPDA, driving, refining, and updating HillPDA’s visual and spatial analysis capabilities to convey complex information and outcomes quickly, effectively and efficiently.
Major projects
- Wollondilly Employment Lands Study – Wollondilly Council
- Central Coast Employment Lands Study – Central Coast Council
- Hornsby Employment Lands Study – Hornsby Council
- Georges River Commercial Centres Economic Study – Georges River Council
- Parramatta Local Centres Economic Study – Parramatta City Council
- Byron Bay Employment Land Strategy – Byron Shire Council
- Goulburn Mulwaree Employment Land Study – Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- Brighton Le Sands Urban Renewal Masterplan – Bayside Council
- Central District Portfolio Renewal Strategy – Aboriginal Housing Office
- Port Kembla 2050 Revitalisation Plan – Wollongong City Council
- Parramatta Light Rail Business Impact Assessment – Transport for NSW
- Regional NSW Housing Portfolio Analysis (9 Districts) – Land and Housing Corporation
- North West Rail Link Feasibility and Take-Up Study – UrbanGrowth NSW
- Rapid Assessment of Sydney’s Major Centres – Department of Planning and Environment
- Pittwater Waterway Demographic and Economic Demand Study – Northern Beaches Council