West Metro – stage 2
Socio-Economic Impacts
This specialist study assessed the likely socio-economic impacts of the proposed Metro Stage 2.
Metro Stage 2 relates to the construction and operation of a 24.1 kilometre metro rail line between Central Station and Westmead. The preparation of the specialist study was undertaken in response to the NSW Department of Planning Director-General’s requirements for the project.
In accordance with the Director-General’s Requirements, this study was broken down into three components being:
- The macroeconomic or wider economic impacts of the project to Sydney’s economy;
- The microeconomic impacts of the project in order to detail the properties impacted by the project through acquisition or as a result of changes to access and business viability; and
- The likely social impacts of the project in order to consider changes to services, access, safety and amenity as a result of the project.
The assessment of these three components was supported by background research including information reviews, the analysis of demographic profiles, travel and survey data and the preparation and implementation of a community, business and stakeholder consultation programme.