New homes fail to dampen prices

“Sydney property prices have skyrocketed at the same time as near-record amounts of new homes have come on to the market, contradicting Treasurer Joe Hockey’s suggestion that the answer to housing affordability is more supply.” Sarah Hill, Director HillPDA and advisor to the NSW Minister for Planning and a member…

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Social and Affordable Housing in NSW was a hot topic at yesterday’s Social Housing Forum. Sarah Hill, participated in the forum on behalf of HillPDA who are currently producing a major study on Housing Diversity for UrbanGrowth NSW and the City of Sydney. Read the full media release ‘SOCIAL…

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HillPDA proud to produce a major study on Housing Diversity

The Housing Diversity Study is being undertaken for UrbanGrowth NSW and the City of Sydney by HillPDA together with Peter Phibbs and Nicole Gurran. The study will feed into the development of an UrbanGrowth NSW Housing Diversity Strategy, along with feedback from broader stakeholder consultation and consideration of national and…

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