Employment Studies

The HillPDA employment studies for the Shore Regional Organisation of Councils (SHOROC) and the Macarthur Regional Organisation of Councils (MACROC) challenged the view of developing a ‘two Sydney’ phenomenon. This phenomenon related to the affluent and culturally rich Eastern and Northern Suburbs of Sydney and the Western Suburbs of Sydney, which are dominated by poorer infrastructure and lower paid production and in-person service/trades workers.

The studies have enabled the respective regions to make a case to enhance their share of job creation and job containment by taking population projections, economic conditions and housing affordability issues into account. This in turn led to the regions preparing plans to avoid the significant economic, social and environmental implications associated with people needing to travel longer distances to access jobs and services.

These findings were ahead of, but in complete accordance with, recent strategic direction to provide ‘more jobs closer to our homes’.

Both studies examined the employment dynamics of the regions in terms of labour market drivers, employment and business requirements. Demand for retail, commercial and industrial floorspace was also considered in order to identify key areas that should be targeted for growth and mechanisms that needed to be created to support this, from a planning and economic perspective.

The studies are currently being used by the respective local authorities and the NSW Department of Planning to underpin principles for the coordinated development of the regions.

Summary of services: Employment & Job Forecasting, Retail Demand, Strategic Planning, Employment Lands Demand

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