Liverpool City Council
Medium Density Review
Liverpool City Council was interested in investigating factors relating to medium density development delivery in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA). Specifically, Council wanted to understand the alternative planning controls, impact on viability and appropriateness of controls in encouraging medium density and housing diversity in established R3 Medium Density Residential zoned areas.
HillPDA examined Liverpool’s existing planning framework and researched case studies of medium and large-scale developments to identify challenges and potential solutions to unlocking medium density supply. In addition, HillPDA conducted stakeholder discussions to understand the barriers and opportunities for potential interventions.
Drawing on the research and teams extensive and diverse industry knowledge, HillPDA then developed planning and non-planning actions to respond to the challenge. These interventions were tested through market research and feasibility analysis to determine appropriateness and viability. The actions focused on achieving a desirable outcome of high-quality, centre-proximal, medium density development, delivered through a mix of targeted bonus provisions and refinements to the existing planning framework.
Project outcome
The outcomes of the report informed Council’s policy relating to medium density dwelling development in established R3 Medium Density zoned neighbourhoods in Eastern Liverpool. This policy is understood to be under review as part of a Phase 2 review of Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 and a comprehensive review of Council’s Development Control Plans (DCPs). The reviews were presented to Council in mid to late 2021.
- Development Feasibility
- Market Research
- Development Advice
- Policy Advice
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Housing Planning Strategy
Client: Liverpool City Council
Project date: 2021
For more information, contact HillPDA Planners