Green Our City Action Plan

HillPDA was subcontracted by Arup to analyse the economic feasibility of proposed green infrastructure planning controls in the City of Melbourne. HillPDA reviewed the economic feasibility of four hypothetical case studies across the municipality. HillPDA’s role in the project included collaboration with OCULUS, Junglefy and Arup to test impacts of…

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Maribyrnong Defence Site

HillPDA was commissioned to provide development feasibility advice for the Maribyrnong Defence Site, specifically to test three indicative concepts for the site in terms of feasibility and land value. The work that was undertaken included advice on likely development staging, market research, preparation of feasibility models using Estate Master and…

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VicTrack Monash

HillPDA undertook research into the development market in south-east Melbourne to inform development feasibility analyses for a range of development options for four sites. The purpose of the project was to: Determine if a commercial opportunity exists in relation to land Determine residual land value, based on high level development…

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Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area

HillPDA was commissioned by Aurecon as a sub-consultant to provide property economics and development projections advice for a business case, following on from the release of the final Fishermans Bend Framework by the state government. The work of HillPDA included assessing site and property conditions and trends, analysis of demand…

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