Callan Park

Economic & Social Impact Assessment

HillPDA was commissioned by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA) to undertake a Social and Economic Impact Assessment of the proposed Land Use Plan for Callan Park. Callan Park is located within the Local Government Area (LGA) of Leichhardt and is a State significant community, heritage, landscape and cultural asset.

HillPDA worked with the Consultant Team (lead by Hassell), SHFA and the University of Sydney to develop an appropriate Land Use Plan for the site. The Land Use Plan sought to accommodate an enhanced University of Sydney campus, whilst protecting and preserving the natural and built heritage of Callan Park.

The proposed Land Use Plan sought to ensure that there was no net loss of open space, but rather the rationalisation of existing buildings on the site to create more accessible and usable open spaces for the local community and wider public. The Land Use Plan also sought to accommodate the existing NSW Ambulance Service Headquarters and Non Government Organisations on the site to retain the social benefits they provide to the community.


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