Meet the Team

Adrian Hack

Principal - Urban and Retail Economics
M. Land Econ (Sydney), B. Town Planning (Hons) (UNSW)

Adrian is a principal of the firm with over 30 years of service at HillPDA. Prior to HillPDA, he worked for 10 years in strategic planning, statutory planning, and project management in both local and state government (Department of Housing and Darling Harbour Authority).

At HillPDA, Adrian has played a leadership role in all consultancy activities of the practice, including market research, economic analysis and forecasting, development feasibility appraisal, economic appraisals (including cost-benefit analysis), economic impact assessment, financial modelling, policy research, affordable housing studies, and employment lands and commercial centres strategies. This has led to an involvement in a diverse array of projects for government bodies, private sector corporations, institutions, and other organisations.

Adrian manages the economics team in the preparation of both long-term strategies and specific development proposals. He developed and continues to refine numerous econometric models including household expenditure forecasts, retail floor space demand, gravity modelling, economic impacts, multiplier impacts and financial impacts on government.

Regularly he provides expert advice and evidence in the NSW Land and Environment Court in the area of economic impact assessment (in relation to appeals and compulsory acquisition and in highest and best use assessment (land valuation cases).

Major projects

  • Communities Plus Program for NSW Land and Housing Corporation  – Market and preliminary feasibility assessment and EOI and RFP evaluation
  • Priority Precincts for NSW Department of Planning and Environment  – Market appraisal and feasibility testing for more than 50 potential priority precincts in Greater Sydney
  • Wyong Pacific Highway Upgrade Economic Appraisal for NSW Roads and Maritime Services – Business and Socio-economic impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis of road upgrade options
  • Rhodes East Priority Precinct for NSW Department of Planning and Environment – Market appraisal, feasibility testing and affordable housing policy
  • Bellambi Estate Urban Renewal for NSW Land and Housing Corporation – Financial and economic appraisals of urban renewal options

Through much of the 1990’s and the following decade Adrian was a principal architect of EstateMaster, the industry standard in property development analysis software. This involved working with industry representatives in developing and refining the development feasibility model, the investment analysis model and the development management model. EstateMaster is now used worldwide.

Committees and accreditations

  • Member of the Planning Institute of Australia