City of Canterbury Bankstown

Housing Strategy and Affordable Housing Policy

HillPDA was commissioned by Canterbury Bankstown Council to develop a housing strategy to assist Council build a planning framework that guides future growth and supports the delivery of housing to the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA) to 2036.

This Housing Strategy presented research findings, projects future demand for housing and considered options for housing delivery in Canterbury Bankstown LGA. In addition, HillPDA produced an Affordable Housing Policy document which outlined the rationale and implementation of a value capture scheme for affordable housing contributions.

As part of the affordable housing report, HillPDA:

  • Rationalised housing delivery in the context of the Sydney Metro transport investment along the Bankstown corridor
  • Formalised a profile of housing needs for key workers, very low, low- and medium-income households, and a range of age groups and cultures
  • Undertook a capacity analysis to determine the development potential of key centres, with reference to environmental considerations
  • Calculated a potential spread of dwelling growth across the LGA, focusing on higher density directed towards the main centres
  • Established a delivery framework, including a separate document outlining the implementation of an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme.


The Strategy included recommendations and actions to assist Council exercise strong leadership in planning and facilitating future housing growth to meet the needs of the population whilst balancing environmental local character considerations. The Affordable Housing Policy informed Council’s internal processes for assessing voluntary planning agreements and managing affordable housing dwellings in the future. The overall document informed the Local Strategic Planning Statement.


  • Policy review
  • Demographic analysis
  • Market demand and supply analysis
  • Housing affordability modelling
  • Policy and planning control recommendations
  • Market trends
  • LEP planning control drafting

Client: City of Canterbury Bankstown
Project date: Feb 2019 to Jan 2020


For more information, contact HillPDA Planners


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